Of course there are many workout strategies that target certain areas of your body but since this blog is not for personnel training I will leave that to the readers to look up! However I will give you a few tips on how too keep in shape and maybe find a natural alternative to all the creams and medicines that supposedly 'prevent aging'. My first tip starts with working out. First off for a basic overview; when you work out or exercise you are forming many small tears in your muscles, when you consume protein, the proteins attach themselves to these tears and your muscles grow. To get these proteins many people will turn to protein supplements and manufactured products, however with all the new discoveries in the world of health it's looking a lot like these products may actually cause more damage to your body then good. A good alternative of course are eggs, which are naturally very high in protein and other nutrients essential to your health.
Another common problem experienced by athletes is the build up of lactic acids. For those who don't know lactic acid is formed when your muscles are not getting enough oxygen while they are being used. The resulting buildup of lactic acid is what causes the pain in tired muscles. One method to break down lactic acid and combat this pain is to consume potassium rich foods, an excellent source of which is bananas. So a good method for people who are just starting to work out or are looking for alternatives to conventional methods would be to make a smoothie containing two eggs, a banana, cocoa powder and some milk.
Also I have done some research into anti-oxidants and aging. Though the exact cause of aging is not determined, there is a theory now that is rapidly gaining in popularity, and many of the signs are looking like is correct. This theory attributes aging to the consumption of free radicals. A free radical is basically an atom or molecule that has an unbalanced valance shell, or in other words requires additional electrons to become stable. The danger is that when you consume free radicals, they steal electrons from the atoms in your cells forming more free radicals and eventually killing the cell. The damage is accumulative, and occurs over the years. This damage is now being associated with aging, which could help to explain why people who have had a diet rich in anti-oxidants for most their life seem to age better then people who don't. Anti-oxidants enter the body and have an excess of electrons, therefore they can stabilize free radicals without becoming free radicals themselves. So evidence now suggests that by having a diet high in anti-oxidants you may actually be combating the aging process.
So in conclusion, want to start to shape up that body? You will need lots of exercise to start and a diet full of anti-oxidant rich foods. Who knows, if people actually start to eat more fruits and veggies and healthier foods, manufactured and synthetic cosmetics might become a thing of the past. Until next time everyone;
Good Health & Good Eating!
Want more info on the science behind anti-oxidants and free radicals? Visit: Understanding Free Radicals and Antioxidants
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